Artist in Residency
Vicky Ruiz Diaz
2 Siglos 2 Ciudades
The third iteration of the Artist in Residency presents Vicky Ruiz Diaz's project, From Other Worlds, consists of hybrids and inventions that are drawn on paper. The idea is to work in an environment where the development of a project can generate new ways of installation. The artist received the 2B Artist in Residency Grant sponsored by the “Honorable Concejo Deliberante - Ciudad de Parana” and “2B Non Profit”, from Miami. He was selected by a panel of judges comprised of Guido Ignatti, Alejandro Ikonicoff, Raquel Schwartz, Daniela Luna, Lucrecia Urbano, Federico Lanzi, Carlos Asiain, César Castellano and César Abelenda.